Bio-based aerogels: new eco-friendly porous materials for thermal insulation and controlled release
Undergraduate students choose their area of specialization either at the end of their first year, or upon admission based on certified qualifications. The training that is specific to the specialization includes:
For the "Materials Science and Engineering" specialization, training during the second year takes place either in Evry at the Materials Centre, or at Sophia-Antipolis at the Materials Forming Centre. It consists of an introduction to engineering materials with a focus on two things:
Contact with the material is a specific item in this specialization. It is arranged through targeted mini-projects in the laboratory in conjunction with industrial contacts.
An additional six-week specialized training period early in the third year gives students the opportunity to acquire the basic knowledge in their field and prepare them for their assigned studies.
A team project under the supervision of a teacher from the Centre and an industrial counterpart gives students the opportunity to come to grips with an industrial problem for the first time.
Lectures and visits to laboratories and firms around a chosen topic are an additional feature of this period.
A new version of the COLD SPRAY CLUB website is now
The COLD SPRAY CLUB concerns laboratories, technology
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A MINES ParisTech PhD student awarded at the
Josiane Nguejio, PhD student at Centre des Matériaux
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The FEMS Lecturers 2014-2015 include Henry PROUDHON
Lecturer Series This is a scheme which sponsors selected
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award for a team of Centre des Matériaux
Nicolas Gueninchault who work in teams M2 and COCAS with Henry
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The SF2M award three medals to doctors of the centre des
The medal Réaumur is given by SF2M, each two
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