Bio-based aerogels: new eco-friendly porous materials for thermal insulation and controlled release
The next Club meeting will be held on September 30th in Milan, . At Mines Paris, we are facing, today and for several months to come, important renovation works, heavily affecting room availability in Paris. For this, we would like to thank the team in Politecnico di Milano (Mario Guagliano and Sara Bagherifard).
The theme chosen for this meeting is « additive manufacturing and repair by cold spray ». For those who are willing to, you can submit a talk proposal to us (title and abstract). 30 minutes will be available for each talk, including the Q&A discussion time.
The meeting will take one full day. For those of you coming from far away, it is better to arrive the day before. The planning of the day will be as follows:
Begin 9.30 a.m., end around 6 p.m.
9.30 – 9.45: introduction
9.45 – 10.45: 1st session (2 talks)
coffee break, 15 minutes
11.00 – 12.30: 2nd session (3 talks)
12.30 – 14.00: lunch
14.00 – 16.00: 3rd session (4 talks)
coffee break, 15 minutes
16.15 – 17.15: open discussion
17.30: aperitif and au revoir
Hope to see you in Milan!
A new version of the COLD SPRAY CLUB website is now
The COLD SPRAY CLUB concerns laboratories, technology
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A MINES ParisTech PhD student awarded at the
Josiane Nguejio, PhD student at Centre des Matériaux
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The FEMS Lecturers 2014-2015 include Henry PROUDHON
Lecturer Series This is a scheme which sponsors selected
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award for a team of Centre des Matériaux
Nicolas Gueninchault who work in teams M2 and COCAS with Henry
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The SF2M award three medals to doctors of the centre des
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