Bio-based aerogels: new eco-friendly porous materials for thermal insulation and controlled release
We are pleased to invite you to attend the PhD defense of Yang ZHANG untitled :
Study of the mechanical consequences of the phase transformation in high zirconia fused-cast refractories
Adress : 60, Boulevard Saint Michel, Paris (RER B Station Luxembourg)
Abstract : Fused-cast refractories, which are concerned by this work, belong to the alumina-zirconia-silica system. They are obtained by casting in molds at temperatures higher than 2000°C, that make very difficult any instrumentation. Many phenomena intrinsic to the material occur during cooling-down after casting. Among these latter, this research essentially focused on the phase transformation (from tetragonal to monoclinic) of zirconia and the associated phenomena (swelling, plasticity,...). From high temperature mechanical tests performed in laboratory, the thermal and mechanical behavior laws were characterized and modeled during the zirconia transformation. Plasticity at very low stress threshold was observed. A Leblond type model has been extended by introducing a Cam-clay yield function without consolidation. In this model, the progress of the transformation is controlled by the evolution of the temperature. This model was complemented by other components of the mechanical behavior (creep, elasticity, ...). It has been validated by experimental tests under multiaxial loadings that replicate the main thermomechanical phenomena observed during cooling. In parallel, blocks casted in laboratory conditions, instrumented with thermocouples and acoustic emission sensors, allowed a numerical simulation of the change in temperature field within the block during cooling-down. This simulation took into account the solidification enthalpy and the enthalpy associated to the phase transformation, previously quantified by DTA. The implementation of the complete mechanical model integrating all the behavior components led to a calculation of the stress field changes generated by thermal gradients as a function of time and, in particular, to highlight the essential role played by the phase transformation on stress relaxation.
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