Bio-based aerogels: new eco-friendly porous materials for thermal insulation and controlled release
Lutz ZYBELL, en visite au Centre des Matériaux, donnera un séminaire exceptionnel le 2 juin 2015 à 11h.
Résumé : The ductile failure behavior of nodular cast iron is well understood for loading under intermediate and high stress triaxiality. This process is usually governed by nucleation, growth and coalescence of voids. In nodular cast iron, the graphite particles debond under tension loading from the metallic matrix and thereby relatively large voids develop. However, there is only little knowledge about the failure mechanisms under shear loading. Therefore, in situ experiments with large flat shear specimens have been performed at beamline ID15a of the European Synchrotron Radiation Facility (ESRF). By using X-ray laminography for 3D observation, the nodular cast iron can be studied during the entire deformation process in a region of interest within the specimen. The mechanisms leading to ductile failure under shear loading such as shear band formation, void shape and void volume evolution are investigated in detail with micrometer resolution. Furthermore, the results are compared to predictions of a shear-modified GTN model.
240 ans de recherche et de formation
Vidéo : 240ans de recherche
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