Bio-based aerogels: new eco-friendly porous materials for thermal insulation and controlled release
Le Professeur Kenneth Holmberg, du VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland,en visite au Centre des Matériaux ,donnera un séminaire exceptionnel
"Digitalisation of materials and simulation of their wear performance"
le 24 septembre 2015, à 14h
Résumé :
The presentation gives an overview of the approach and techniques used at VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland for computational modelling and simulation, with focus on mesoand
microscale modelling, integrated approaches and wear related applications. The FEM modelling technique has been stretched to observe stress and fracture phenomena on microscale in thin hard diamondlike carbon (DLC) and titanium nitride (TiN) physical vapour deposited coatings and an equation was developed to show the dominating effects on potential failure. Composite thermal spray WCCoCr coatings have been studied both by real SEM microscopy based as well as by synthetic modelling techniques. A set of up to ten parameters influencing on wear
performance were studied by parametric analysis. Steels and various soft materials have been modelled and a topography model was integrated with a microstructural steel model to understand the influence of surface roughness and its orientation on friction and wear. A case study was carried out to understand the friction and wear of a lubricated wiresheave
contact in an elevator and an engineering tool for material optimisation was worked out based on this. VTT introduces this technology to industrial companies worldwide using the trademark VTT Propertune...
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