Bio-based aerogels: new eco-friendly porous materials for thermal insulation and controlled release
Le Centre des Matériaux accueille le 28 octobre le Dr Laurence Brassart de l'Université Catholique de Louvain (Institute of Mechanics,
Materials and Civil Engineering)
Elle présentera un exposé (10h salle C001) intitulé
"A continuum approach to chemo-mechanical couplings in Lithium-ion batteries"
Lithium-ion batteries are energy-storage systems of choice for applications ranging from portable electronics to electric vehicles.
Such batteries operate by cyclically inserting lithium into, and extracting lithium from, solid electrodes. During charge and discharge of a Li-ion battery, the amount of Li in the electrodes varies substantially, causing the host electrode to deform. For instance, Silicon, a promising high-capacity anode material, may undergo up to 300% volume change.
When constrained, these deformations induce high stresses, which may in turn lead to plastic flow, damage and fracture. Likewise, mechanics influences the chemistry of lithiation in a significant manner. In this talk I will present continuum mechanics models that couple large, nonlinear deformations to Li diffusion in high-capacity electrodes.
Several case studies will be discussed to illustrate the strong interplay between mechanics and chemistry in these systems. I will particularly discuss a new constitutive framework that couples the driving forces for plastic flow and insertion of guest atoms in order to describe chemo-mechanical softening.
240 ans de recherche et de formation
Vidéo : 240ans de recherche
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