Bio-based aerogels: new eco-friendly porous materials for thermal insulation and controlled release
The Centre des Matériaux is situated near the industrial site of the SAFRAN aeroengine company, 63-65 rue Henri-Auguste Desbruères, in Corbeil-Essonnes, 25 km south of Paris.
GPS DD : latitude 48.6112, longitude 2.4393
GPS DMS : latitude N 48° 36' 40.3'' longitude E 2° 26' 21.5''
Click here to download the access map in pdf format.
The Centre des Matériaux is accessible through the Evry Courcouronnes and Evry Bras de Fer RER D stations. Train timetable is avalaible on the SNCF web site.
Students, staff and visitors of the Centre des Matériaux and the Ecole des Mines are entitled to use the Centre's shuttle to go to and come back from Paris. The receptionist of the Centre des Matériaux is responsible for registering people who wish to use this service. Registration should be done at the latest at 4:30 pm the day before travelling.
The timetable may vary according to traffic conditions:
PLEASE NOTICE THAT on friday evenings, the shuttle leaves the Centre des Matériaux at 4:45 pm instead of 5:15 pm.
A new version of the COLD SPRAY CLUB website is now
The COLD SPRAY CLUB concerns laboratories, technology
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A MINES ParisTech PhD student awarded at the
Josiane Nguejio, PhD student at Centre des Matériaux
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The FEMS Lecturers 2014-2015 include Henry PROUDHON
Lecturer Series This is a scheme which sponsors selected
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award for a team of Centre des Matériaux
Nicolas Gueninchault who work in teams M2 and COCAS with Henry
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The SF2M award three medals to doctors of the centre des
The medal Réaumur is given by SF2M, each two
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