Bio-based aerogels: new eco-friendly porous materials for thermal insulation and controlled release
This robotic equipment (6 axes) and industrial standards is suitable for the manufacture of industrial demonstrator and technology transfer. Thanks to the atmosphere regulation system : nature (air, argon or nitrogen), pressure (2 to 350 kPa), temperature (chillers), this equipment gathers by itself all the existing plasma projection modes :
In addition to this extensive range of dry physical coating processes is a work option for cryogenic cooling of the part : "ATC" (CEA patent) cooling module with pulsed liquid argon). In addition, a generator and its pre-treatment device (stripping or heating) of the semi-transferred arc substrate (AST) is also available.
Peripheral equipment : pyrometer, thermocouples, heating plates (50-350 °C).
The École des Mines de Paris has been equipped (with the support of the Essonne General Council, ASTRE project) of the most innovative thermal spraying process currently used for the realization of coatings : the dynamic projection by cold gas called "cold spray ".
This new industrial projection device (CGT KINETIC 3000 M, 30 kW, 30 bar, 600 °C N2, 450 °C He, WC Laval nozzle) strengthens the Center's potential in this area. It can be installed in the robotized CAPS plasma projection chamber (so this projection unit is unique in the world by the possibility of projecting "cold spray" under vacuum and controlled atmosphere at 75 m/h to 100 mbar) but also in a air cabin dedicated to the manufacture of small flat specimens (Table XY (750 x 500 mm2), Vmax: 700 mm/s, Projection distance : 10-260 mm).
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1 - and 2 - Numerical simulation of the crushing of a particle projected by cold spray (Ta on Cu)
thesis source MINES ParisTech by Francesco Delloro (2015)
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3- Coating deposit: additive manufacturing by cold spray of a piece of Ti.
Contacts : Michel Jeandin, Vincent Guipont
A new version of the COLD SPRAY CLUB website is now
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A MINES ParisTech PhD student awarded at the
Josiane Nguejio, PhD student at Centre des Matériaux
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The FEMS Lecturers 2014-2015 include Henry PROUDHON
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award for a team of Centre des Matériaux
Nicolas Gueninchault who work in teams M2 and COCAS with Henry
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The SF2M award three medals to doctors of the centre des
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